Sorry about the lack of blogging – I’ve had quite the week! It’s been my first official week back at work, and school starts up this Tueday! Jeeze, the summer sure did fly by.

This year I’m continuing to work in the school board as a wellness coach with the students, staff and community. It’s my second year at it and the team and I have so many good ideas on the go for what will be in store for this year. We will be holding healhified community events for families such as bike rallies and swim nights and also be doing events within the schools to promote various pieces of wellness to do with physical, nutritional, mental and even spiritual health (pretty much my dream job, cannot believe I get to wake up and do this everyday!)

Anywho, yesterday I was in Edmonton with my sister and we got a lot done! I went to IKEA and got some furniture for the new home that I am living in:






IKEA is always such a maze! It’s so much fun to shop around but always so hectic, especially since we went on a Saturday (D’oh!)

Later on we went out for a late lunch/dinner

We decided on this all organic and vegan spot called “Noorish”, and oh. my. GOSH!!!! Was it ever amazing! I could live off of their food everyday, no doubt.
Looking over the menu it was so difficult to make a decision because every item sounded wonderful. My sister ended up ordering the Pad Thai salad and I ended up getting the Sattva bowl!

My dish had quinoa, kelp noodles, kale and romaine leaves, various nuts, and some sauce that was delectable! I think it was a garlic, onion, hemp sauce of some sort – I will need to try to find a recipe online in order to attempt to recreate this at home.

Needless to say the day was a wonderful one spent with my sister!

In terms of fitness updates, I took a rest day yesterday which was much needed as I’ve been feeling some pressure on my right knee.
Today I got out for a good 13 km run, the weather was great for it! I took it easy and enjoyed the fact that I had time to run and actually only a few errands to run in the day for once.

Now I’m heading out for a bonfire to a friends place, I’m looking forward to good food, drinks and company!

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